

Calogero G. Billante is a cannery with a long history that comes to us after detecting the risk of beginning to lose positions in the ranks of “preferred brand” in the minds of distributors and customers.

After analyzing the company's threats and strengths together with the company's management and setting the objectives, the project addresses an adjustment of the positioning and a rethinking of the identity of all categories and range of products.

The first step is to delete the composite name with a simplified name. We eliminated Calogero G. and kept only “Billante”.

Billante is presented in the market with a defined positioning and a solid and recognizable verbal and visual identity.

Billante achieves greater visibility and brand recognition, positioning itself as a preferred option for distributors and customers, increases its presence in well-known large stores and increases export sales.

A year after the brand's repositioning, Billante is acquired by the Yurrita brand.